CERT International s.r.o. | +421 233 04 69 75 | Račianska 66, 831 02 Bratislava | central@certin.sk

Accreditation and Certification

CERT International is accredited in SNAS according to standards: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001, ISO 37001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001.

The SNAS Accreditation Body is a full member of the IAF MLA (Multilateral Recognition Arrangement of the International Accreditation Forum). And provides international recognition of CERT International certificates in more than 100 countries.

The branch of CERT International in Central Asia, in addition to the above standards, is accredited by U.A.E. (MOIAT / IHAF, International Halal Accreditation Forum) for certification of products according to HALAL standards (GSO).


The certificates and scope of accreditation can be checked on the website of the Accreditation Body SNAS – www.snas.sk. We will also send this information to you by e-mail if you send a request to info@certin.sk

If you are interested in a quotation for certification services, please fill in the basic questionnaire and send it to  info@certin.sk
With commercial offer we will send you more details and links regarding certification process, as well as the procedure how to deal with complaints and appeals.

If you wish to check the validity of the CERT International certificates issued to any organization, please send a request to info@certin.sk or central@certin.sk

If you are interested in certification, please read and accept the following certification agreement:

099_VA_Certification_agreement_en (1)
Annexes: 099 VA Appeals and Complaints Procedure (2)

099 АА Description of certification procedure

Certification mark

099 F Trademark regulations


We understand the importance as part of our mission to ensure the impartiality and transparency of CERT International’s management system certification services.

In accordance with international standards, specific requirements, legislation, we control interests that may affect impartiality and guarantee the objectivity of our management system certification activities.